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His Boss, Her Dom Page 3
His Boss, Her Dom Read online
Page 3
"Yes, Sir."
"Then remember this. I make the marks, puss, not you. I don't want to see you biting your lip. Any bites you do are at my command, on me. Now, what's wrong?"
She took a deep breath. "Work apart, don't you want to know why I wasn't around?"
He did of course, but he'd decided it wasn't his business. "If you want to tell me."
"It's nothing, really, but I didn't want you to think it was anything you did, or didn't do, Sir. I broke my ankle."
He let go of her chin, and pulled her up to stand once more, before he looked down to her bare feet. A red scar snaked up around her ankle. Jamie bent and traced his finger over the lesion.
"How?" He hated the thought of Eva hurt, and him not there to tend to her.
Boy, am I in it deep?
"I fell off a rope. In roleplay as well, but sadly not in a scene. I was acting as the baddy, climbing a rope over a wall, and the asshat holding it let it go. You wouldn't believe it, I only dropped about a foot, but the ground was uneven. So there I was with a broken ankle. All okay now, Sir, but I was so mad. I'd decided to go back to see if you were around, and bam, no could do 'cos I was on crutches. Then work got crazy, and here we are. Oh and you know, I never recognized Master Jamie as Sergeant Swinton, until today."
"Well, why would you, my puss? I do try to look different." Jamie grinned, and straightened up once more. "No uniform role playing."
Eva giggled. "No, nor me, never. And er…what about the age difference?"
He mentally shook his head. He guessed she must be few years older than him, due to her position, but he had no idea if it was two years or twenty. "What about it? It makes no difference to me what it is."
He glared and she dipped her head. "Sorry, Sir."
"Okay puss." Jamie decided it was time to stop messing around. His cock was about to rip his denims, and stain the material if he didn't do something about showing her how she could be his, both as his sub and his partner. The last time—the only time—they'd played, sex hadn't been on the agenda in the club. They had, with hindsight most irresponsibly, left together and gone to a hotel for a night of hot kinky sex and it had been, as Eva agreed, the best night ever.
A horrible thought struck him. What if she didn't want sex to be involved now? After all he hadn't qualified his statement. "You do know if we play, I'll fuck you?" he asked bluntly. "I don't want the kink without the rest, not now, not after what we shared."
"I hope you will. I'm in the same mind, but oh, Sir, can we so fucking get on with it?"
He'd sort out her language later. "So when can we play?" He took a deep breath and a step backward, away from temptation. "Ma’am."
Eva sighed as his words pulled her out of her subbie world, and back to reality. "Who knows?" She shook her head to clear her befuddled thoughts. "Right, so as we're about to become a couple, all in the cause for work and legality of course, I guess maybe I'd better feed you and we can plot."
She grinned and couldn't help but feel satisfied at the look of regret that flashed through his eyes as he nodded.
"I like the feeding and plotting, because the sooner it's sorted the sooner I get me a sassy sub."
"And the sooner you go back to where?"
"Dornoch. But there's a vacancy not that far from here. A rural beat, I quite fancy. If… oh shit, if you wouldn't mind, if we decide to make a go at being Dom and sub, a couple, in and out of BDSM-ville, if it wouldn't get in the way of your job, if…" Eva put her hand over his mouth.
"If you let me get a word in edgeways, I like the sound of that." Eva didn't mention the bit of the letter where it asked her to pass over her thoughts on whether he'd be good inspector material. She'd have to decline of course, on the grounds of lack of impartiality, but she also knew her boss would ask her man to woman what she really thought. He knew her well enough to know she'd be honest whatever the circumstances. "Let's hope we get this wound up quickly and our lives on the move. Talking of which, a wee stroll down to the pub later wouldn't be a bad idea. If we take the path not the road, we can do a loop past the neds both ways. Then there's no need to only have a soda water, and it gives people a chance to say I'm cradle snatching." She laughed. It didn't bother her at all now she'd made her mind up that given the chance she'd show Jamie she was his.
"Their more likely to say how the hell did someone like me end up with such a fabulous sexy, confident woman like you," Jamie said. His grin showed he cared as little as she did what other people thought. His tummy rumbled and he rolled his eyes. "Oops, sorry, I was in such a rush I didn’t manage my sandwiches earlier."
Eva opened the fridge. "Steak and salad?"
"Oh you doll, spot on."
"Doll, puss, Ma’am what next?" She looked him straight in the eyes. "I'm interested."
"Oh so am I," he almost purred the words "Evita, my puss, either or. And every time I call you Ma’am, I'll try not to remember you under me, as my sweet sub, bowing to me as your Sir."
She blinked. The picture that conjured up was all too erotic when she had to think about work. Damn him, especially as she had no idea when, if ever, it would happen.
"Maybe you'd better practice," she said shakily. "How do you like your steak?"
Chapter Five
"That, puss, was perfect. Half my inner beast satisfied. Sadly, I know we need to wait to satisfy the rest." Jamie leaned sideways and kissed Eva on the cheek. "Now I know my tummy won't rumble, and you won’t faint from lack of sustenance, do we walk?"
"Yes, nice and slowly, like." She blushed and Jamie whooped.
"Oh, I love it. You'll color so nicely, p…Eva." He hadn't believed it possible, but she went redder than ever.
"I do anyway," Eva said. "It's the one thing I have to work really hard at. Not coloring up at work. I'm the boss there, not the subordinate."
Or my submissive.
"Yes, boss." Jamie winked and she laughed.
"Anyway, let's go saunter past next door and see what gossip we can garner from the pub." Eva snagged a jumper from the back of a nearby chair and Russ bounded out of his basket. "Here." She threw a spray bottle to him and Jamie caught it one-handed.
"Midge repellent. Works wonders even if it does make you smell, ever so nice."
Jamie looked at the label and snorted. He'd heard about the moisturizer that midges and mozzies hated. "I'm in touch with my feminine side so all's good." He sprayed himself liberally, and looked down at Russ, who was stretched out with his head on his paws, the picture of a sad and lonely dog.
"Can we take him?" Jamie wondered if the local pub was dog friendly.
"Yep, the barn bar is a doggy—and owner—heaven. Bowls of water, free dog biscuits and real ale for those owners that can drink it." Eva snapped a lead onto Russ' collar and passed the leash to Jamie. "Do you mind?" She sprayed herself and tucked the bottle in her bag. "He'll be good there."
Jamie shook his head.
"Not at all, pass the little blighter here. No Russ, down, or I'll say no doggie treats and you can sit and watch all the other dogs eat them." The dog looked up at Jamie, yipped once and then twisted around his lead like a dervish. Jamie ignored him and fixed his attention on Eva.
So, the beer? You?" Jamie grabbed his hoodie and shrugged it on. It wasn't needed but it might well be later. "I hate these but I thought it might come in useful."
"If nothing else it'll keep midges off your head." Eva picked up her own version of the top. Hers was pink to Jamie's dark grey. "But Beer? Me?" Eva shook her head. "I'm coeliac, so no gluten. I stick to wine. They do a rather nice South African Chenin."
Jamie nodded. "I'll have to be heroic and try the beer then. In the interest of neighborly harmony and all that." He pushed Russ down onto the floor, as the dog did his best to leap onto Jamie's shoulders.
"Down Russ, or you'll be left at home."
The dog whined and sat on his rear. Eva sniggered. "Another sub for you?"
"I have
n't got a first one yet."
She flashed him a look, and he grinned. It was sassy, bratty, and teasing. His mind registered the fact and his cock hardened and pushed against the material of his jeans. Almost as if it had a mind of its own and was registering its displeasure at its inaction.
"You will," she said as she opened the back door. "The fates willing."
He never had believed in fate, but now he decided if fate gave him a chance, he'd change his mind about it forever more.
The early evening was calm and warm, and the midges—thanks to the repellent stayed away. As they turned the last bend before Gorse Cottage arm in arm, with Russ walking sedately beside his new hero, Eva slowed down.
"Can we do a bit of snuggling and such so we can walk really slowly as we go by?" Eva asked him as she bent and fiddled with her sandal strap. The rounded globes of her ass under the floaty material that covered them were too tempting to resist.
"Yeah." Jamie pinched her bum, and she jumped, glared, seemed to remember where they were and what they were supposed to be, and relaxed and giggled. "Ohh, Jakey."
He nibbled her ear. "Yes, sweet chops?"
The look she gave him as she giggled like an idiot would have made a lesser man quake in his shoes. He trailed kisses down her neck and twisted them slightly so she looked directly at the cottage as they wandered past.
"Well my love, what else would I call you? Clara?" He whispered the words and she sighed as he reached her nape and nipped the skin with his teeth.
"Oh…" Eva turned her head, so her skin stretched before he let go. She'd have an interesting mark there. He hadn't meant it but he wasn't sorry.
"There's a big beamer outside the garage and a hulk glaring at us." Eva breathed softly as she whispered in his ear. "I don't recognize him. Swing me around and have a peek."
He did as she asked, as he lifted her into the air and swung her in a circle. "You're a doll," he said loudly as he peered at the man standing by the driver's door of the car. "Shall we just forget the drink and away home?" He deepened and roughened his voice. The last thing he wanted was to be clocked as the postie, or a copper.
"Nooo, you said…" Eva gave a creditable imitation of a besotted female who wanted to show her man off. "We've got all night anyway."
Jamie put her down and patted her bum. "Ach, ye wee tease. Let's away. The sooner we go the sooner it's bed time." He laughed raucously, and watched Eva press her lips together and try not to giggle. They continued on with their walk. He was very conscious of a prickle of awareness down his spine as the thug watched them out of sight. Once they rounded the corner and were out of sight of the cottage and anyone who could be watching them, Eva increased their pace.
"Do you ever feel there's a knife waiting to stick in your back?" she asked Jamie as, still arm in arm, they matched their steps. She shivered. "Nasty piece of stuff."
"I've a feeling I've seen him somewhere," Jamie said as they reached the outskirts of the village. 'I can't place him, and it's only a vague thought. Maybe if I don't try it'll come to me."
"Could do. He's a stranger to me, and I'll be happy to let him stay that way."
They turned to cross the road to the pub. To their right, there was the noise of a car going much too fast along the narrow village street. There was no footpath, and Jamie pushed Eva behind him, hoping the bushes weren't too prickly, as he picked up Russ and pressed backward next to Eva.
He was wrong: they were bloody prickly. In fact he sure one thorn was doing its best to go up his ass.
A car roared past them, and as it passed under the sole street light near them, the driver’s long severe face was lit up in its soft light. He glanced their way, and Jamie turned his head to kiss Eva. He knew that face.
"I know him," he muttered. "He's a ned we pulled in when he decided to change his home turf and become a petty criminal up north instead of in Glasgow. Our local crew soon disabused him of that idea. He scarpered. I can't remember his name. Donny, Duggie, something like that. Did you see him?"
Eva shook her head and yelped as Jamie pulled her out of the arms of the gorse bush. "No, and that's sore. This bloody bush has kept half my hair as a keepsake."
"Aww poor puss. A sore head for all the wrong reasons. Never mind, when we're over this, I'll give you a sweet sting instead." Jamie checked her head and pulled a few twigs out. "Do you want this as a keepsake?"
"No thanks, I'll just have a large glass of wine and a bag of crisps. And don't call me puss. It's conjuring such things in my mind, I can't concentrate on what we're supposed to be doing, and I need to."
"Whatever my lady wants." Jamie opened the door of the pub and they headed for an empty table in the bar, which was graced by a sign that made him laugh. 'Well behaved humans are welcome in here with their canine owners.'
Russ sat under the table and yawned before he put his head to one side, and curled up in a ball.
"He's sorted then." Jamie nodded toward the dog as he went to the bar and ordered their drinks. By the time he got back to the table Russ was snoring softly, with his head on Eva's feet and Eva was studying the menu intently. She didn't look up as Jamie slid onto the padded bench next to her. Jamie looked down at the dog and raised an eyebrow. "Is the floor too hard for him?"
Eva leaned down toward the dog. "Guy at the end of the bar. I arrested him last year. Stewie, Stevie or something. It'll come to me. Twocing in Glasgow."
Jamie whistled softly. Taking without owner’s consent was a pain in the ass and oh so prevalent. "You sure? Ah stupid question, of course you are. Did he clock you?" He took a swig of beer and glanced at the guy out of the corner of his eye. Bland and nothing out of the ordinary, he wouldn't stand out in a crowd. Even his clothes were high street mid-range denims and T-shirt. Only the fact he stood alone, had no dog or child with him, and made no effort to chat or make eye contact with anyone, stood out in such a friendly bar.
"I don't think so." Eva sat up and turned her head into Jamie's chest. "Different hair, no uniform. But I wonder why he's here?"
Jamie nuzzled the top of her head, and handed over her glass of wine. "Have a drink, my sweet. You need to keep your stamina up."
Eva stiffened for a second and then relaxed and gave a very creditable, love-sick sigh. "Jakey, shall we go home soon?"
"Soon." He stroked her arm, and hoped to all intents and purposes they looked like a couple who really wanted to be elsewhere. "Ah dammit, let’s go now." He put down his beer, and hauled her to her feet. She swayed into him and stood on tip-toe to kiss his cheek, all the while keeping her back to the guy at the bar. Jamie took hold of Russ' lead and let her lead him toward the door.
"What now?" he asked as they stood in the car park, and he held her within the circle of his arms. Ostensibly to canoodle, in reality he swung Eva around so she could peer briefly through the window. "Do you have a name yet?"
"Nope, but he's just been joined by cheerful Charlie from the cottage next door."
Chapter Six
"So, is it a coincidence, or is Cheerful Charlie and chummy up to something?" Eva said as they walked away from the pub arm in arm. It took all of her resolve, not to tag on 'Sir' to her query. He might not realize it but Jamie was the epitome of the statement ‘you can take the Dom out of the dungeon but you can't take the Dom out of the Dom.’ "This is beginning to bug me big time. I'm allegedly on holiday, with a chance—" she hesitated, unsure if she should speak her mind, and decided to go for it. "A chance to see if we are meant to be Dom and sub. Then I think, well, if you hadn't been sent to help me, I wouldn't have met you again so the chance wouldn't have happened. Ah hell." She kicked a pine cone down the road and Russ yipped and strained at his leash. "Oh god, sorry Russ, no you can't chase it."
Jamie looked at her with concern in his eyes. "It's a bit fucked up isn't it? But we will get there. I've lusted after my Clara for so long I'm not letting some tuppenny-ha'penny ned screw us over. You will sub for me again my sweet
Eva, with whatever name we choose. Now we've found each other, we'll get our chance. Oh ho, what have we here? No don't stop nuzzling my neck, Charlie's big brother, or ugly uncle is standing slap bang in the middle of the lane. Apart from the fact I like the nuzzle, it means neither of our faces will be on show. Damn long light evenings, a bit of the moon behind a cloud scenario would be helpful."
Eva agreed. However the sun was nowhere nearly ready to set. In Scotland long summer evenings were just that. Long and light.
Russ strained on his lead and growled. She opened her mouth to say something but Jamie beat her to it.
"Wheesht yer eejit." Once again the voice was not Jamie as she knew him. "It's no fae you."
Eva bit her lip and kept her eyes half closed. No wonder Jamie was sent to go incognito. As they continued to stroll towards the thug she got a glimpse of him and shivered. She wouldn't want to meet him alone in a dark alley. Or alone in daylight on a country lane for that matter.
"Hey, you two." It wasn't a cultured voice but nor was it rough as a badger, broad dialect. "This is a private road. Bugger off back to the village and do your stuff there."
"Eh?" Eva decided it was time to intervene. "But I live up here. We're allowed." She nipped Jamie and carried on walking. "Nice to meet you Mr…?"
He grunted and took a step back. "There's only one cottage up there."
"I know. It's mine. Lucky eh?" How she didn't increase her pace and drag Jamie and poor Russ along with her Eva didn't know. The man had been perfectly polite, but in the words of one of her colleagues, he oozed evil. She could almost smell it, just as the itch between her shoulders told her he stared after them, as they made their steady way out of his sight.
"Phew." She increased their pace a little. "Duncan Macrahanish or some such thing. I still don't know my cheerful neighbor though. But he's playing with the big boys. Duncan there was inside for GBH." They reached the cottage and she was thankful to go inside and lock the door behind them.