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His Boss, Her Dom Page 4
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Page 4
"Did you see the car in the garage?" she asked as Russ went to lie down in his bed, and Jamie prowled around the room. "And you're making me giddy. What are you doing?"
Jamie had pulled the phone cord out and snipped the wire so it looked broken.
"That's the phone line," Eva said and cursed under her breath at stating the obvious.
"It was, and to all intents and purposed the dog bit through it and we're land line-less. Don't worry, I was a phone engineer in a previous incarnation. It'll take seconds to fix it. I wouldn't be surprised if we don't get a visit. I want it to seem as if we're in a love nest with no need of the outside world. What was that about a car?" Jamie drew the kitchen windows and disappeared into the lounge. Eva heard the jangle of the overlarge curtain rings she used and then he reappeared.
"The car?" he prompted her gently, as he patted her bum and walked toward the fridge. "Can I pour the wine you didn't have?"
"Please." She settled down on one of the soft topped bar stools that edged the breakfast bar. "There's beer as well I think. I got some in for when my brother came out. Right, the car in the garage was the one that was outside earlier. But it's got a new number plate. I know it’s the same car, because of a massive dent in the bumper. Not only that, there was a lot of spare parts around…what are you doing?"
Jamie had walked to stand to one side of the covered window and put his fingers to his lips. Russ stirred and yipped. Jamie bent and stroked him until he settled down again. "Undo your shirt, puss. I think we're about to have a visitor." He whipped his t shirt over his head and unsnapped the top button of his jeans. "Go into the lounge and look like we've been interrupted."
Strangely it didn’t seem wrong that he was now in charge. Eva would be the first to admit, that in every scenario there was the correct person to run things and here, she freely admitted, it had to be Jamie. She nodded and walked swiftly into the lounge, noticing in passing that Jamie has closed the curtains in the hall as well.
She'd barely got settled on the settee, kicked off her shoes, run her fingers through her hair to let the corkscrew curls and spirals loose, and opened the buttons on her blouse, to let the sides hang loosely apart, before the door bell rang. There was a series of sharp noisy barks and then the scrabbling of Russ' paws over the parquet floor of the hall.
"I'll get it sweetie," Jamie shouted from the kitchen, and Eva stifled a snort. He sounded so un-Jamie like. She checked she looked suitably disheveled and un-policewoman like and leaned back on the settee with her feet tucked under her.
The door opened and Jamie 's voice floated in from the hall.
"This yer womman?" The rent-a-thug they'd seen in the road walked into the room and leered.
Eva decided it didn't take any acting to pull her shirt edges together in a show of indignation.
"I wanna use yer phone."
Thank goodness Jamie had explained his plan. "It's down." Eva sighed very loudly. "The bloody dog bit through it. How on earth he wasn't killed I don't know."
"It was during yesterday's power cut, sweetie. He was scared. Thunder." Jamie said.
The thug looked bemused. "Eh?"
"Thunder, my poor wee dog hates it," Eva thought she'd best say something. "And we've no mobile reception up here at the moment. You need to go to the lochside and stand with one foot in the water and point your phone up the ben."
The thug blinked. "How the hell do you cope?"
"Oh we get it occasionally. Like when there's no sun spots or thunder or…" Eva knew she was babbling. "Well if there's no leaves on the trees between here and the mast."
The guy shook his head. "Fuck me." He turned and picked up the receiver of the land line, listened for a second and flung it onto the table. "Why do you live here?"
"We like the peace and quiet," Jamie said. "Sorry we couldn't help. I'm sure the pub has a call box."
"Fuck that." The guy turned on his heels and left the room. Jamie winked at Eva, and followed him. A few seconds later she heard the front door bang and the sound of the lock turning.
Jamie reappeared. "Russ is in his bed, we’re in here, there's no way of anyone contacting us, what do you suggest we do now?"
Eva decided not to mention her work phone did get a signal.
Chapter Seven
"Well, Sir, that's up to you."
Jamie hardly dare accept the relief and excitement that coursed through him. He looked round the room, and smirked. He could work very easily with what he could find there.
"You’re ready to sub? Now?"
She nodded. "Well we've no phone, so I don’t think the mob down the road will bother us again tonight. I'm not due to check in until tomorrow, and I'm sure your shift doesn't start before six."
"I'm off tomorrow so, we play?"
Eva nodded. "We play, Sir."
Jamie looked around the room. "Then, sub, we're now Dom and sub. You know your safe words? The same as last time?"
"Yes Sir. Red, orange and green."
"Good girl. So, on your knees and look at the floor until I say different."
To his delight, Eva complied immediately. "Do I need to call you Clara, puss? Or will you be Eva for me when I need to use your name? I don’t want to mess things up."
"Eva or Evita, Sir." She didn't look up. "I want to be your puss and your Eva. And well, I didn't want to bring it up, but at work, everyone knows me as Eva, and if for any reason you needed to use my name, it would look weird if you said Clara by mistake."
He agreed. "Then, Evita my puss, stay there until I get back, and don't look around." Jamie didn't bother to check if she did as he asked. Somehow, he knew she would. He walked to the window, drew back the curtains and grinned. A little frisson of ‘oh what if someone sees’ would up the tension perfectly.
Once he was satisfied, Jamie left the room, and walked into the kitchen. Russ opened one eye and closed it again as Jamie gathered the items he wanted. It was amazing how many useful things you could find in a kitchen for BDSM. He weighed a spatula in his hand and put it back on its hook. It wasn't what he wanted. However everything else was.
Eva was exactly as he'd left her. He hid his 'equipment' behind the chair and walked to stand in front of her.
"Such a good, puss. Stand up now, and strip."
She stood and looked toward the now uncurtained window. As it overlooked the back garden, Jamie thought there was about as much chance of someone peering in as of him subbing, but if it added the frisson of danger he anticipated to her mindset, all the better.
"Puss." He added a note of warning into his tone. "I don't expect to ask twice."
I don't expect to ask at all. I say jump, she says how high.
With one more swift look at the window, Eva began to undo the buttons on her shirt.
"Drop it, show me those tits." Jamie undid the snap on his jeans, and slid the zip down just enough to show the edge of his boner. "My cock wants your cunt, puss. Is it wet for me?"
Eva dropped her shirt on the chair, and slid her fingers under the waistband of her skirt. He waited as she slid it to her ankles and stepped out of it. Clad only in a bright red thong, stained to a dark maroon with her cream, with her nipples standing out hard and proud he could have come with little or no encouragement.
"Show, me puss. Finger yourself and show me."
She slid her finger under the edge of the lace and he watched as the material moved up and down before she removed her hand and held two fingers up to him.
"Oh, so very nice." Jamie, put the fingers in his mouth and licked. The taste of her was nectar. Without letting go, he swiped his own finger over his pre-cum slicked dick and held it to her lips. Eva sucked eagerly. Reluctantly Jamie stopped his own lick and suck. "Enough for now. If you're a good little subbie, you can suck me off later. Bend over the settee back, puss. Show anyone who might walk past what a gorgeous ass you have. Let them see your thong disappear up the crack, and notice how you
r juices stain the lace. In fact let them see you cream your thighs as I send you to subspace."
She moved with alacrity and took up the position he demanded. With her ass high, and her long hair falling over her face, she'd be unsighted, but Jamie intended to increase her tension. He took out the scarf he'd found hanging on the back of the kitchen door and covered her eyes, then tied the ends of the scarf together with some of her hair.
"Now then, puss, color?"
Eva moved her head and her hair pulled and stung her scalp. The pain was perfect. She'd no idea exactly what Jamie had done, but guessed he'd snagged her hair, probably on purpose when he blindfolded her.
"Green, Sir." They'd used the conventional safe words before, and she had no reason to think they'd want to change them. And she was happy, even if the thought of someone looking through the window and seeing her ass upwards and bare, worried her a bit. It also, if she were honest, excited her, and increased her arousal.
"Good. Stretch you arms out and grasp each wooden pole at the corner." Eva did as she was told and something which felt remarkably like the tie-backs for her kitchen curtains fastened her arms out wide to the corner of her Knole sofa. Was that why she'd been so sure she wanted that kind of seating? Whatever, it worked well. Her heart was beating faster than usual, and her mouth was dry as she waited to see what would happen next. The mantelpiece clock ticked off each second, and outside a pheasant called to its mate. Apart from that all she could hear was her own breathing.
Jamie, she had to assume it was him, and not A. N. Other, kicked her legs apart and then something cold touched each ankle, before her scarred ankle was wrapped in toweling and whatever it was fastened tightly with cord or some such thing to both ankles. Eva wriggled her toes and flexed her legs as best she could and discovered her feet were held about eighteen inches apart. What on earth had he used? Then she thought about the shape of whatever it was on her unbroken ankle. Her overlong fire irons?
"Such handy, everyday items you can find when you look," Jamie said, and stroked each globe of her ass. He pulled the back of her thong hard and up into the crack and did a seesaw movement with it. It really did feel like the proverbial cheese grater. Luckily he stopped before she decided it was sawing her in half.
"What a beautiful sight, seeing you spread out like that. I wonder, puss, if you can lift away from the settee just enough for me to reach your tits? Try for me."
Bloody hell, does he think I'm a contortionist? However, it was amazing what a person would try when their Dom spoke to them in such a way. Eva arched her back and her boobs left the contours of the sofa back. Ross pulled on each one and kneaded them. Then he tugged and pinched each nipple so hard, she gasped.
"Color," he said brusquely.
"Green, Sir." Why did he ask? He knew how hard they'd played on their other occasion together and she'd been green all the way.
"Good girl, now breathe." The pain in first one nipple and then the other as he attached something tightly to each took her breath away. She whimpered. How the hell could she take it?
"Breathe, puss, or cry red. Do it now." He roared out the last word, and Eva let out her breath in a whoosh.
It hurt, oh how it hurt, but the invisible string of sensation from her tits to her clit got ever stronger. The pain morphed into intense pleasure, so much so she shook.
"G... green, oh…."
Jamie removed one of whatever clamped onto her nipple and she moaned her disappointment. He nipped and tugged the nipple until she wondered how it held onto the rest of her boob, before he reattached the instrument of pleasure and pain. "Lean forward again, puss. Press those lovely tits into the sofa and increase the pressure of the clamps." Eva obeyed instantly. His deep velvety voice demanded instant submission and got it.
A hard slap on her ass was her reward. It was followed by several more, each more intense than the last. Jamie continued the assault on her rear with something flat and possibly plastic. In one corner of her mind Eva reckoned she'd never look at her furnishings in the same light again. She began to fly, and enter that special place where everything morphed into pleasure.
The spanking stopped suddenly and she wanted to cry. It was nowhere near enough. She craved her subspace like an addict craved their next fix.
"Because I say so, puss." He kissed her neck. "And because when I let you go to your special place, you need time to savor it. Sadly tonight, we haven't got that luxury."
If she hadn’t fallen into the zone so fast and furious she would have realized that.
"So…now then." His voice was soft and soothing. "Let's see what we can do for each other, eh, my puss?"
A ripping noise infiltrated her mind, and her thong left her ass crack. One thong destroyed.
"The next thing you feel in your ass will be my cock," Jamie said as he stroked each globe in soft circles. "But first I'm going to fuck your pussy and make you come."
The noise of his zipper was loud in the room, and then Eva heard shuffling sounds as she presumed he kicked off his denims. She waited with hard suppressed excitement.
One long finger probed inside her pussy hole. "Ah, so ready aren't you, puss." The finger withdrew, and her juices ran down her legs. "Let me protect us. One moment."
She heard a rustle and then Jamie thrust into her hard and deep and began a fast fucking, which rocked her fastened legs and made her breasts bump off the settee. The clamps knocked it and pinched her nipples harder as she moved with Jamie's thrusts. Her arousal filled her like molten lava and her skin tingled as if she'd been stung. The tingles and stabs of pleasure increased faster than she'd ever known before, and Eva knew she teetered on the brink of coming.
"Come now, puss." Jamie pinched her clit and she screamed, tumbling into a fast and furious climax as stars danced behind her closed eyelids.
Her legs shook, as Jamie shouted and shuddered his own climax inside her, and then fell forward across her back. She savored his weight and stayed still as his breathing steadied.
The clock chimed the hour. Jamie groaned. "Let me untie you, and make you comfortable in a conformist manner."
Eva flinched as he lifted from her and her nipples moved on the coarse fabric of the settee.
"Aww, does it hurt? I'll kiss them better in a sec."
The blindfold was lifted and she blinked to make her eyes work as Jamie busied himself with her other ties. When she saw the fire iron she grinned. He was correct. There were very useful items around the house.
The sprung wooden clothes pegs attached to her nipples made her swallow as her mouth went dry and her pussy muscles contracted. No wonder they pinched. She had caught her finger in one once and it had been bloody sore.
"One second, puss." The air stirred as presumably he moved to dispose of the condom, and then she was lifted into his arms. Her nipple, plus attachment slid over his chest and she hissed at the non-pleasurable pain that shot from nipple to clit.
“Ssh, not long now." Jamie walked around the settee and sat her down on his naked lap. His quiescent cock stirred slightly and he whistled. "Sheesh, I'm fucked and my cock is saying ‘again soon, please.’ It must want your ass, puss."
As tired and sated as she was his words excited Eva. "Ah, um yeah."
Jamie laughed. "Not just yet though eh?"
Eva shook her head. "Nope. Food maybe? And de clothes–pegged please, Sir?"
He tweaked her nose. "I'd love to ask you keep them on, but I won't. We might have only had a short scene, but it was pretty intense. I don’t want to scare you away. Breathe slowly and deeply." He pulled both pegs off so fast she scarcely had time to flinch. The pain was beyond describing. Those dancing stars floated past her eyes again and the light dimmed.
"Breath, puss, come on, breathe through it." Jamie tapped her face and thrust a bottle of water to her mouth. "Drink and breathe."
Eva gulped the water and coughed as some of it went down the wrong way. She took a deep breath and considered h
ow she felt. Her nipples were sore, but it was a good sore. Her pussy still throbbed and her ass stung. All in all, a great set of sensations. Okay, he'd not let her reach proper subspace, but as she knew she needed to keep her wits about her, she was thankful.
"I'm fine now. Better than fine in fact." She looked up at Jamie and was thrilled by the loving, caring expression he wore. "Truly, Sir."
"Good." He kissed her long and deep and she drowned in his scent, as she returned the kiss as fervently as she could. When he finally ended it they both sounded as if they'd run a sprint race and won.
"So, Sir," Eva said when she could speak again. "What now?"
He stood up and put her onto her feet. "Feed your Master, and then I guess we revert to Boss and subordinate, not Sir and sub. Let's get this damned job sorted and then we can see where we go as Dom and sub. If you want to?"
Eva decided action would say more than words. Very slowly she knelt down in front of Jamie, and nuzzled his naked groin. He smelled of sex, earthy male and her. A heady aphrodisiac.
"Please, Sir, may I stay as your sub? Be your puss, for as long as you want me?" Eva held her breath. It was the ten million dollar question. The answer would define her life for the foreseeable future.
"For ever, puss? Collared and bound to me as wife, sub and my life?"
"Yes, oh yes." Eva jumped up and punched the air before she spun around the room, her long hair flying around her face and shoulders like a goldy-russet cape. Her boobs bounced and she held them down. "Oops, flying tits." She giggled and ran into Jamie's open arms. "Oh, I know it won't always be easy, but yes, Sir, oh yes."
He hugged her so tightly she feared for her ribs, until he slackened his arms a little and kissed her nose.
"Then let’s get to work eh? So we can get back to other most important matters."
"Your cock in my ass, Sir?"
"And your body under my crop."
"Oh, yes please, Sir."
"So, you see Sir, Sergeant Swinton and I found the shed was full of stolen, executive model cars, which the three men in question were re-spraying, changing number plates and shipping abroad for very high amounts of money." Eva stood very straight, in her uniform in front of the Chief Superintendent, and knew fine well what the other immaculately uniformed man next to her was thinking: that the help of a certain escapologist Jack Russell puppy had been invaluable. Russ had managed to not only get into the windowless shed, but loosened a board enough for her and Jamie to see inside.